Your Support Makes a Difference
Chiltern Open Air Museum is a charity. We are self-funded and receive no core government funding. We have to generate all our own income through admissions, membership sales, cafe and shop sales, workshops, private hire and donations. With high inflation and a cost of living crisis this gets more challenging every year. It costs over £2000 a day to keep us operating.
As well as preserving the unique heritage of the Chilterns, the Museum also sources grants to open access to disadvantaged groups (low income, disadvantaged children) and run its award-winning community wellbeing programmes which support the mental and physical health of adults experiencing social isolation, bereavement, dementia, or who have additional needs.
We believe that everyone should have access to heritage and culture regardless of background or ability.
How You Can Support Us
You can support us by making a donation, purchasing COAM Annual Membership, donating materials and equipment, supporting a project, helping to spread the word about our beautiful Museum or by becoming a volunteer.
if you pay UK tax then you can make that donation worth over 25% more to us at no cost to you by signing up to Gift Aid it.
Thank you for helping us to go on making the Museum a special place.
If you would like to discuss making a donation with us then please contact us on 01494 871 117 or email Gill Whitehead on development@coam.org.uk
Donating Objects and Buildings
If you have an artefact or building that you would like to donate to the Museum please send a picture and details to collections@coam.org.uk
Please note, unsolicited donations received in the post or left at the Museum will be disposed of.
Chiltern Open Air Museum is a registered charity (no.272381)