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Intelligence and Planning for D-Day

Join author Ron Koorm as he explains the intelligence behind planning for D-Day

The biggest gamble the allies took during the second world war was arguably the assault into occupied France in June 1944 on D-Day. Military personnel from multiple countries and states took part in what became the largest seaborne invasion in history. But how was it planned, what were the options for the Supreme Allied Commander, Eisenhower?

 This talk with illustrations will outline some of the challenges for the allies in the build-up to D-Day. It will also look at the key issues from the Nazi enemy side of the fence. How was intelligence collected, verified for accuracy? Who was allowed to know about the planning of D-Day and how did they keep it secret? Where were the locations and places that were relevant to the combined operations for the assault? What impact did the Channel Islands have on D-Day? Which technology had the greatest benefit to the allies, and how did the Germans respond? Even today in 2024, more information is being uncovered.

Ron Koorm is a published author and in 2024 is about to publish the first of a series of books this summer, on ‘Codebreaking -A Wartime Glossary -People and Places’. (Publishers Pen and Sword). He has spent years researching the background to intelligence, deception, and how ciphers and codes impacted on the war, and beyond. The story includes reference to the codebreaking machines, deception, spies and agents, scientific experiments, and surprisingly some of the technology invented is still in use today.

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